14 jun Programma Dutch Day op de WALS 2023 is bekend
Van 27 tot en met 29 november a.s. vindt de WALS conferentie plaats, met op de 29e de Dutch Day. Hoogtepunten in het programma zijn de drie verschillende keynotes: van Sui Lin Goei, Jia Jia Li en Iris Uffen over 'Teacher learning through talk in Lesson Studies', Carien Bakker over over 'Succes met LS via diepgaande dialogen', en van Claudia Mewald getiteld 'Lesson Study is the engine for the dialogue between teachers!'. Daarnaast vindt er een interessante spotlightsessie plaats en kunnen deelnemers kiezen uit diverse workshops. Bekijk hieronder het volledige programma, en klik hier of op de knop om naar de aanmeldpagina te gaan.
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08:30 - 09:30
Teacher Learning through Talk in Lesson Studies
Sui Lin Goei1, Jia Jia Li2 and Iris Uffen3
1Windesheim, 2VU Amsterdam, 3RUG Groningen
This keynote presentation is the result of a team effort by Sui Lin and two of her PhD students: Jia Jia Li and Iris Uffen. We focus on teachers’ learning from their students’ learning when participating in Lesson Studies. Teachers do so by trying to understand and challenge different perspectives of their students’ learning. Their talk can provide them with an opportunity to explore different perspectives beyond their own already acquired perspective. Teacher talk in Lesson Studies can be a mediating component of teacher learning in this popular professional development approach. An important feature is the collective focus on student learning via teacher dialogue, and activities centered on promoting student learning and development. After an interactive talk about talk during a Lesson Study, I will share examples of teachers’ learning through their talk in several Lesson Study contexts. For instance, one in which teachers try to understand their students’ learning in a subject matter and one in which they focus on the function of behavior when – from their teachers’ perspective–students show disruptive behavior.
In addition, Jia Jia will focus on the findings of a pilot project that used the lesson-study model to redefine project-based Maker Education at a Chinese elementary school. Her focus will be on how three students’ dialogic interactions with the teacher evolved throughout the Lesson Study cycle, and how these changes influenced participating teachers’ understanding of Maker Education. To achieve this, I will provide background information on the project, highlight instances of teacher-student interaction that demonstrated significant changes in the actual classroom, and share excerpts from teachers’ discussions that reflect the concept of “learning.” The outcomes of this project show that closely observing students’ learning processes helps teachers develop customized pedagogical approaches that cater to their specific needs at different levels. These changes are evident in students’ dialogic interactions in real classrooms.
In closing this keynote, Iris Uffen will focus on how a facilitator can contribute to the quality of teacher talk. In particular, she focuses on the post-research lesson discussion: How can facilitators carry out its purpose and how can they organize the discussion in support of its inquiry-oriented nature? Furthermore, she provides a closer look at communicative acts by the facilitator that supports teachers in deepening their understanding and challenging their assumptions about their students’ learning.
9:35 - 11:05
Spotlight session (English)
In this session four contributions are selected to provide an insight about Dutch/Flemish LS practices and research.
1. Lesson Study @LOBO Suriname
André Swart
Windesheim; ROC van Twente, the Netherlands
Lesson Study @LOBO was a six week project in Surinam and consisted of two main parts. First there was the Lesson Study program for students to learn from their assumptions compared to the data collected. Second there was the teacher training program, intended to assist teachers to become a LS coach.
During the meetings all talks were recorded. The presentation focusses on the in depth discussions between teachers and their progression in professionalism.
2. Using Lesson Study as a research approach in design-based research on special relativity education at the secondary level
Paul Alstein
Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
In this presentation, I will present an example of the use of Lesson Study as a research approach in design research. Our Lesson Study focuses on the implementation and evaluation of an online simulation environment in which secondary school students can explore Einstein’s famous theory of special relativity.
3. The learning process of student teachers with Lesson Study
Iris Willems
Antwerp School of Education, Belgium
An important goal of teacher education is to train student teachers to become educational professionals who want to question and improve their educational practice in a well-founded way. Lesson Study offers opportunities to pursue this goal. With this research we want to gain insight into how LS contributes to the learning process of student teachers and what the conditions are to support this from teacher education
4. Implementing Learning Study to foster Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching: a case in pre-service teacher education in the Netherlands
Dédé de Haan
Utrecht University, Freudenthal Institute; NHL Stenden Hogeschool, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
The study explored the impact of a Learning Study-course on pre-service teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching. Findings indicated that analyzing pre-tests and observing research lessons were most important in PSTs' awareness of students' understanding and teaching strategies. Discussion and collaboration were helpful in increasing their content knowledge. However, the impact was modest.
11:30 - 13:00
Succes met LS via diepgaande dialogen
Carien Bakker
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Bij Lesson Study (LS) zoeken teamleden gezamenlijk naar het antwoord op de vraag hoe leerlingen leren en hoe dat leren het best gestimuleerd kan worden. Die zoektocht krijgt voor een groot deel vorm in de gesprekken die de teamleden voeren rondom de onderzoeksles. In mijn werk als lerarenopleider heb ik veel ervaring opgedaan met het begeleiden van LS-teams met docenten-in-opleiding, met ervaren docenten én met een mix van die twee. Ten behoeve van mijn promotieonderzoek bestudeer ik LS-gesprekken en beschrijf ik hoe teamleden daarbij redeneren over het leren en onderwijzen van leerlingen.
13:00 - 14:00
14.00 - 15:30
Lesson Study integreren op het hoger onderwijs: voorbeelden en ervaringen uit de lerarenopleiding en uit businessopleidingen
Heidi Verlinden1, Madeleine Vreeburg2
1Lesson Study Vlaanderen; 1Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, Antwerpen; 2Inholland
In deze Vlaams/Nederlandse bijdrage gaan de workshopverzorgers dieper in op de vraag wat Lesson Study kan inhouden in het hoger onderwijs. Zijn er verschillen in aanpak, voortgang, diepgang tussen businessopleidingen en lerarenopleidingen? Leren docenten anders dan studenten? En wat vinden ze ervan? Hoe krijg je je collega’s mee? Zij bieden daarbij een lokaal perspectief, vanuit Nederland en Vlaanderen.
14:00 - 15:30
Lesson Study-kampioen: wat evolueert na 6 cycli?
Steven Mannens1, Lynn Michiels2 , Bénédicte Lambrechts2
1Lesson Study Vlaanderen; 2PIBO, Tongeren; België
Een lerarenteam leerde 5 jaar terug Lesson Study kennen. Ondertussen zijn ze 6 cycli verder. Welke evolutie op verschillende aspecten van LS is zichtbaar? Hoe ervaren ze zelf die groei? Waarom blijven ze LS verder omarmen? Een dialoog met dit team in combi met workshop ‘gerichtheid in LS’.
14:00 - 15:30
Speeddate over lesson study – verschillende perspectieven
Floortje Goettsch1; Monique Kersse2, Jan Kuik3, Rahel Hermes4
1NHL Stenden Groningen, 2Dr. Nassau College Assen, 3Simon van Hasselt Groningen, 4NHL Stenden Leeuwarden
Hoe organiseer je Lesson Study in je school? Waar vind je enthousiaste collega’s? Wat is er nodig om echt samen te leren over het leren van leerlingen of studenten? Hoe haal je inhoudelijke expertise in huis? Hoe zorg je voor een hoge leeropbrengst voor de deelnemende docenten en hoe deel je vervolgens in je organisatie wat je hebt geleerd? Vanuit vier verschillende perspectieven staan we met jullie stil bij deze vragen. Tijdens de workshop kan je in kleine groepjes in gesprek met vier ervaringsdeskundigen.
14:00 - 15:30
Gedrag is een vak apart
Monique Nelen
Hogeschool Windesheim
Sinds september 2021 voert het Windesheim lectoraat Betekenisvolle en inclusieve leeromgevingen drie onderzoeksprojecten uit waarbij onderzocht wordt op welke wijze Lesson Study ingezet kan worden bij gedrag- en klassenmanagementvraagstukken. We volgen daarbij een ontwerpgerichte aanpak. LS-Gedrag teams ontwerpen samen gedragslessen en/of gedragsinterventies voor leerlingen uit hun klas onder begeleiding van gedragsexperts.
14:00 - 15:30
16:00 - 17:00
Lesson Study Is The Engine For The Dialogue Between Teachers!
Claudia Mewald
University College of Teacher Education in Lower Austria
Teachers talk all the time: They talk with pupils, colleagues, mentees, school leaders, parents, school inspectors, and many more. However, they don’t just talk to them, they actually engage in meaningful dialogues which become profound discourse through Lesson Study. To support this claim, I will explore how teacher talk becomes discursive through Lesson Study. Reflective processes in teaching and learning are more likely to become tangible if reports from teachers are fuelled through their collaborative discourse which harnesses the power of their talk to stimulate and extend thinking and advance learning and understanding. Whose learning? — you may now want to know. Experienced teachers and their students will answer this question and tell their personal Lesson Study stories. Together we will outline how a conscious approach to discursive Lesson Study talk can be the engine for reflective teaching, providing the best possible environment for pupil learning.
17:00 - 17:30
Closing session
WALS 2023
De LSNL conferentie 2023 maakt onderdeel uit van de World Association Lesson Study.
27 t/m 29 november, Zwolle
Voertaal: Engels
Locatie en tijd
Theater Buitensoos te Zwolle
08:30 - 17:00
Meer weten?
Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met Gonny Schellings (Eindhoven University of Technology).